Review – The Man Who Invented the World

Review - The Man Who Invented the World
Cover Art

Review – The Man Who Invented the World

Writer- Rodolphe

Artwork – Bertrand Marchal

Colourist – Sebastien Bouet

Publisher – Dargaud (France)

Release Date – August 2021


“What do we really know about the nature of the universe, and about what is hidden in the dark depths of space? Navigator Captain John Bowman is the sole survivor of an exploratory mission to the far reaches of the cosmos. Upon his return, he is plagued by terrible nightmares… but also endowed with extraordinary power. A power capable of destroying our world… or perhaps reshaping it?”


I’m a fan of Sci-Fi movies and certainly, when I read the plot for this book, I thought there could be similarities to Event Horizon. This didn’t materialise and that probably helped towards the disappointment I had for this book. The book starts interesting enough in space and then when it returns to earth, it just falls flat. I just found that the pace of the storyline was laboured and it didn’t grab my attention as other books have.


The only thing that gets a positive in this book is the artwork. And thankfully it’s consistently enjoyable throughout, whether it be out in space or back on Earth. The level of detail is really good and whilst the storyline may not have caught my attention, the artwork certainly did. And alongside the artwork, the colouring from Sebastien Bouet is vivid and well-matched in the artwork of Bertrand Marchal.


I had really high hopes for this book when I read the tagline. But sadly it did not meet expectations. I just found the pacing in the book to be far too slow and I was halfway through the book before there was any clarity on the storyline. It’s not that the book is bad, it has good artwork, but it just feels that there was a good idea that wasn’t developed properly. Fans of Sci-Fi slow-burners might appreciate the book more but not one for me.

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Andy MacGregor

Written by 

Born and raised in the Shire of Dumbarton, on the bonnie banks of Loch Lomond. I discovered comics at a young age and then life became instantly better

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